Meme Proposal | Tim * Audrey (From Vimeo) - Hit

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Video Tiah dilihat sekitar empat juta orang termasuk melalui YouTube.

Video lamaran seorang warga Malaysia kepada pacarnya menjadi hit dengan jumlah orang yang melihat mencapai empat juta dalam waktu satu minggu.

Dukungan sejumlah selebriti termasuk penyanyi Christina Perri dan presenter American Idol, Ryan Seacrest membuat video lamaran Timothy Tiah kepada pacarnya Audrey Ooi, semakin terkenal.

Christina Perry bahkan mengaku video dengan latar lagunya "A Thousand Years" membuat dia menangis.

Pery mengatakan ia merasa "dihargai" karena lagunya dipakai dalam video itu.

"Ahh, saya menangis dan tidak bisa berhenti tersenyum!" tulis Perri.

Komentar lain juga banyak bermunculan di YouTube dan Vimeo dengan sekitar empat juta dalam lebih dari satu minggu.

"Saya juga ingin melamar dengan cara ini," kata salah seorang pengguna di YouTube.

Popularitas ini membuat Tiah, seorang pengusaha internet berusia 27 tahun terkejut.

Ia pada mulanya ragu-ragu untuk menikah antara lain karena rekan-rekannya gagal dalam perkawinan.

Diangkat Ryan Seacrest
"Namun saya sadar bahwa tidak ada lagi perempuan yang cocok dengan saya selain dia," kata Tiah kepada kantor berita Associated Press.

Video itu menunjukkan Tiah membuat kejuatan untuk Ooi, tunangannya, saat ia makan malam di Kuala Lumpur November lalu.

Tiah membawa sejumlah poster dengan rangkaian tulisan berisi pernyataan ia ingin menghabiskan hidup dengan Ooi walaupun ia khawatir dengan pernikahan.

"Bila kamu mau, silakan pakai cincinnya," begitu bunyi salah satu poster, sebelum Tiah menampilkan gambar karakter animasi Puss in Boots dengan tulisan, "Mau menikah dengan saya?"

Para bloggers mulai menerbitkan video itu dan semakin memuncak saat Ryan Seacrest menyinggungnya di Facebook dan Twitter pada tanggal 23 Desember lalu.

Sementara Tiah sendiri mengatakan banyak orang yang mengenalinya di jalan-jalan.

Namun ia mengatakan ketenaran sesaat itu akan pudar.

Pasangan itu kini tengah mempersiapkan pernikahan yang menurut Tiah akan diselenggarakan secara sederhana.


More aboutMeme Proposal | Tim * Audrey (From Vimeo) - Hit

Haywire Movie

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Title: Haywire

Director: Steven Soderbergh

Cast: Gina Carano, Ewan McGregor, Michael Douglas, Antonio Banderas, Michael Fassbender, Channing Tatum, Michael Angarano, Bill Paxton

Steven Soderbergh is an interesting throwback to directors of yore, in that he is far less precious with his career than many of his contemporaries, and seems to regard the medium of film as inherently a place to explore, and play around. This means not only that he’s rather astonishingly prolific, but also engages in willful genre experiments (the “Ocean’s” trilogy, certainly, as well as something like “Solaris,” and even “Contagion”), plus low-fi adventures like “Full Frontal,” “Bubble” and “The Girlfriend Experiment.” Rather than own one genre or mood, Soderbergh lets them intermittently possess him, all while putting his own stamp of personality on narrative material.

His latest film, “Haywire,” is more of the mindset of the former, but also exhibits some of the seat-of-the-pants inclinations of some of the latter, aforementioned DIY productions. It’s an action movie, at once lithe and bruising, but also a sort of character piece chess game, in which the personalities of the participants and the stylishness of its telling matter more than its junky, familiar, high-calorie revenge plot. While recognizable faces abound, the movie (which officially debuted Sunday night at a special “secret screening” at AFI Fest presented by Audi, and will see mainstream release early next year) is built around MMA fighter Gina Carano — an acting non-professional, like some of the other stars of Soderbergh’s more experimental fare.

The story centers on and runs through Mallory Kane (Carano), a highly trained operative who works for a government security contractor in hot spots all over the world, taking part in missions where plausible deniability is as much of a plus as guaranteed success rate. She’s a professional ghost, basically — a pre-amnesiac Jason Bourne. After freeing a Chinese journalist in Dublin, though, she’s double-crossed and left for dead. Naturally, this does not sit very well with Mallory, so she sets out trying to work her way back into the United States, while her boss (Ewan McGregor) first dispatches old colleagues (Channing Tatum) and then gets his own hands dirty trying to bring her down.

Carano, who resembles a cross between maybe Danica Patrick and “Sober House”‘s Jennifer Gimenez, is kind of thick and attractive at the same time, and her ample frame leaves no doubt as to who has the advantage in her many scenes with fisticuffs. Though an acting neophyte, Carano does also possess a steely tomboy charm, which, along with an aptitude for stillness, Soderbergh exploits to solid effect. The story, though, does Carano no grand favors, and sometimes places her in scenarios where her natural physical gifts are secondary to some bit of plotting or gamesmanship. The screenplay, written by Soderbergh’s collaborator on “The Limey,” Lem Dobbs, awkwardly employs a flashback structure in which Mallory relates past events to a guy (Michael Angarano) whose car she has escaped in. Straight flashbacks would have worked best, requiring less tricky emotional interaction from Carano.

Still, what “Haywire” most has going for it is its litany of engaging supporting players (including Michael Douglas, Antonio Banderas, Michael Fassbender and Bill Paxton, all dialed in), and a bunch of nice fight scenes that eschew CGI in favor of hand-to-hand thrashing. Most of these sequences — especially a hotel room destruction with Fassbender and Carano, the film’s piece de resistance — are captivating and rousing; only a penultimate beach confrontation highlights Soderbergh’s relative inexperience with action staging and editing. Told with verve and panache, though, “Haywire” benefits from a slick score by David Holmes, with whom Soderbergh has worked on the “Ocean’s” movies, and the sense that the heroic actions of its heroine maybe aren’t that far removed from the realm of possibility. If mainstream audiences make the movie a commercial hit, Angelina Jolie will have to watch her back, because she’ll have some new company in the realm of female action stars.
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The Walking Dead ,Zombie Mayhem

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The Walking Dead ,Zombie Mayhem

One of the most high profile shows to come out of last year was AMC’s adaptation of the hit Robert Kirkman comic book The Walking Dead. But depending on who you ask, the first season was either the greatest thing ever to grace television or an absolute waste of storytelling potential.

This past Saturday, one of the two most highly anticipated panels of the day was for The Walking Dead, mostly due to the fact that the second season of the show premieres tonight on AMC at 10pm.

To start, Chris Hardwick, who would later grace the crowd with his moderator awesomeness at the Avengers panel, came out on stage and introduced comic creator and Executive Producer Robert Kirkman, EP Gale Anne Heard and special effects artist Greg Nicotero.

Before getting into any footage, Anne spent a little time talking about the contributions Kirkman has been making to the series to date, one of which included Kirkman making a permanent move to Los Angeles so that he could work in the writer’s room of the series full time. Nicotero then went on to discuss how the six episodes from season one didn’t allow a lot of time to delve into what makes the characters tick, a problem that will be corrected in the 13-episode second season.

Nicotero also went on a ten minute rant about the special effects of the show. Some of the highlights included the fact that the zombie actors are still shocked by the effects being used to create the walkers and how he has a rule that the same walker design can’t be used more than once.

Nicotero also stated that he’s able to keep the zombie related moments fresh because he intentionally seeks out things to put into the show that he, as a zombie fan, would enjoy. Kirkman would later add to that when asked about the state of the zombies themselves in season two, saying that he has no intention of changing their personality (I.E. making them smarter) and that they look better than ever.

At this point a lengthy zombie filled scene from the season premiere was shown. However, it’s a scene I refuse to reveal in any way other than to say that it has slightly restored the faith in the show that season one killed. And perhaps also very surprising was that the show works so much better in the movie-like environment compared some some of the other shows screened earlier in the day, such as Terra Nova and Person of Interest. However, that might just be part of the show’s problem, but that’s another discussion for another day.

After the footage was shown, a hefty amount of the cast was brought out including Norman Reedus, Chandler Riggs, Lauren Cohen (a brand new addition in season 2), Steven Yeun, Laurie Holden and Jon Bernthal.

At that point, Nicotero talked about the sequence that was shown. It took the entire team four days to complete, a hefty amount of time for any television production.

Some of the cast then began discussing the state of their characters in season two, including Riggs, who says that 12 year old Carl will evolve from a scared kid hiding in the background to a much more mature and darker level. Holden also explained that her character evolves as well and is “no longer a victim” in the new season.

While talking about his character, Norman Reedus gave the audience a chuckle when he described Daryl as “the kind of guy that just needs a hug, but if you were to try, he would stab you.”

Bernthal said that he was happy during season two that the cast got to do what ever they wanted for the most part when it came to the gore related moments, but that things became very strict whenever scenes involving relationships were dealt with.

Yeun had little to say at the panel other than the fact that everyone in the cast brought their A game to the current season.

Cohen also talked about her experience on the show thus far, especially as the newest face on the cast list. She stated the thing that surprised her the most about the show is that “[she] never knew TV could feel so much like theater.”

When the floor was opened up to questions, the one moment that caused the crowd to swell up in joy was when Kirkman revealed that there are plans to bring the character of  Michonne out of the comics and into the series at some point, but that it’ll likely not happen this season.

The panel for the The Walking Dead was by the far the most successful one of the day and with the season premiere set for tonight, it couldn’t have come at a better moment.
More aboutThe Walking Dead ,Zombie Mayhem

Sweet Child O' Mine Music Video

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Dominion Trailler

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Many of you may have been wondering out loud just what we have in store for the future. Today we are pleased to give you your first look at Dominion, the largest game update in the history of League of Legends.

This update will feature not only a brand new map, but also an entirely new game mode showcasing innovative gameplay never before attempted in the MOBA genre.

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